Blogger problems

There seem to be continuing problems with Google's Blogger platform. I experienced problems with publishing last Friday and I know other users of the platform did as well. Since then, I've been unable to comment on some of the blogs that I regularly visit. I'm not sure what is the source of the problem, but apparently, Google is working to fix it. If you have experienced such problems with my blog, I can only apologize. I have no control over that and can only hope that it is soon fixed.


  1. I have had some problems commenting on some Blogger blogs for a while. My comments disappear. It is discouraging and I should probably warn my readers, too - in case they think I've forgotten them.

    1. It is very frustrating when things don't work the way they are supposed to.

  2. Assuming that this comment will post, I've had no problems here, but I have at a couple of other Blogger-platformed blogs. It's been a few years since this kind of thing has happened, so I hope that Blogger and Google figure out how to fix the problem - especially since I'm pretty sure that Google actually owns Blogger.

    1. Yes, it is a Google product, and when everything is working normally, it's great. When it isn't, I'm tempted to put my fist through the screen.

  3. Dorothy, I am only able to comment on Blogger Blogs or post on my Blogger Blog for that matter by using Chrome. Safari no longer seems to be an option for a while now.

    1. Chrome is my "go-to." I always use it so when something doesn't work, I figure things are really screwed up!

  4. i had a lot of trouble earlier this year but not lately. partly because i finally figured out how to do it(i'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier when it comes to computing)

    1. The problem I've had in recent days is that when I go to comment on a blog post, it will not allow me to access comments. When I click on the comments option, nothing happens. Last Friday, I completed my "This week in birds" post (which takes about 90 minutes to put together) and when I hit publish, I got a red screen telling me I was a security risk and my post had been deleted! I heard from other bloggers that they had the same experience. I later got an email from Google saying essentially, "Never mind!" and the blog post was restored. Fortunately, my IT savvy daughter had already managed to allow me to override their objections and publish. It was a weird experience.

    2. i had the same thing happen. it was alarming. i shut off the computer for a while and it wasn't there when i turned it on again. maybe it was a hack in itself, but most likely we'll never find out...

  5. Haven't any of the issues you've mentioned, but have had issues with attaching links to my blog posts that don't end up working after they are published... This has been my biggest issue with this blogging platform since they made changes within the past year.

    1. I also have had problems in the past when posting links to music. Very annoying. I'm not convinced that the "new Blogger" is an improvement.

  6. Blogger problems seem to be the order of the day. Perhaps soon they will have everything resolved and all will be back to pre "New Blogger" days. This is one case where "new" did not equate to "new and improved"!

  7. There seems to be lots of issues going around right now. I think it has a lot to do with the new blogger stuff. IT never did this before!

    1. Yeah, I've been on Blogger for years and I can't recall that I ever had a serious problem with their old platform.

  8. I haven't experienced any problems with Blogger, but I know others have. Wordpress, which I use when I post to the Classics Club, is also experiencing troubles.

    Such is life...

    1. Indeed. Apparently the hackers are busy out there.


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