This week in birds - #543
A roundup of the week's news of birds and the environment : White Pelicans enjoying a rest by Galveston Bay. *~*~*~* The Gulf of Mexico is abnormally warm which could mean a very active tornado season . *~*~*~* Freshwater biodiversity does not always get the respect it deserves in discussions about conservation but we rely on it for many essentials. *~*~*~* The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is considering sanctions on Mexico for failing to provide sufficient protection for the vaquita marina, a small porpoise that is the world's most endangered marine mammal. *~*~*~* DDT has been found in high concentrations on the ocean floor along the California seacoast that once served as a dumping ground for the material. *~*~*~* Former governor of California Jerry Brown can now rest on his laurels; a beetle has been named for him ! *~*~*~* Do you suffer from a brown thumb as a gardener? Never fear; here are some plants that e