Poetry Sunday: Looking For Each of Us by Linda Gregg
Linda Gregg was an award-winning American poet. She died last week at age 76, and since I didn't know her work, I thought I should get acquainted and introduce her to you. Here is one of her poems. L ooking For Each of Us by Linda Gregg I open the box of my favorite postcards and turn them over looking for de Chirico because I remember seeing you standing facing a wall no wider than a column where to your left was a hall going straight back into darkness, the floor a ramp sloping down to where you stood alone and where the room opened out on your right to an auditorium full of people who had just heard you read and were now listening to the other poet. I was looking for the de Chirico because of the places, the empty places. The word “boulevard” came to mind. Standing on the side of the fountains in Paris where the water blew onto me when I was fifteen. It was night. It was dark then too and I was al