Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - March 2019

It's March in my zone 9a garden in Southeast Texas and that means...

The snapdragons are snapping.

The redbuds are budding.

And many kinds of bees and other pollinators are very grateful.

Underneath the redbud, this old azalea is having a moment.

And the coral honeysuckle is blooming just in time to feed all the hummingbirds passing in migration.

The Carolina jessamine is jazzing it up.

They all tell us that spring is almost here. 

White is the color of many of the blossoms of spring.

Like this plum tree.

The little pear tree that we planted last year is enjoying its first season of blooms.

In an untamed corner of the backyard, the wild blackberries are blooming.

Indian hawthorn.

Ornamental potato vine.

Meyer lemon.

Mandarin orange.

And a viburnum, variety 'Spring Bouquet.'

This is a plant that seeded itself in my garden. I didn't know what it was at first, but it looked interesting so I decided to let it grow and see what developed. What developed was a mass of these pretty little yellow-centered white flowers. It is a wildflower called Philadelphia fleabane.

This is another wildflower that migrated to my yard and which I decided to let stay. It is Texas groundsel, a member of the very large aster family. I think it is quite pretty.

And then there are the old stand-bys, holdover bloomers from previous months.

Turk's cap.

'Peggy Martin' rose has been in bloom for a couple of months already and still hasn't reached its peak.

The gerbera daisies continue.



Purple oxalis.

As well as the wild oxalis that comes up as a weed in my garden beds around the yard.

The feverfew has been blooming for two months.

Winter's pansies are still hanging on.

But elsewhere new and fresh life is beginning.

Like this Japanese maple that is just beginning to show buds.

It hasn't really been much of a winter here. We've only had a few nights of below freezing temperatures, but it has been an extremely gloomy season with lots of rainy overcast days. The sun is a very welcome sight when it makes an appearance and soon enough we'll be having nothing but sunny days and we'll be wishing for rain again. The weather never manages to get things just right for gardeners.

I hope the weather where you are is benevolent and that you and your garden are enjoying it. Thank you for visiting my garden this month. I look forward to visiting yours. And thank you, Carol, at May Dreams Gardens for hosting us.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Beautiful! Beautiful, all of them, but the one that I am envious of is the Purple Oxalis!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. Wow! Dorothy. Your spring flowers are fabulous. It gives me hope for things to come in my own garden. Currently I have only two blooms: snowdrops and crocuses. I would love to walk around your gardens right now and take in the smell of such a wide variety of flowers. P. x

    1. Walking around my garden today as the wind is blowing would leave you sprinkled with yellow pollen from the many pine and oak trees around. Even the air looks yellow - just another sign that spring is coming.

  3. Some of these pics are glorious, as are the blooms. The first picture looks just like a Monet painting! :-)

    1. High praise for my poor snapdragon picture. Thank you.

  4. I love the redbud! They are so pretty in spring. I think I need a Carolina jessamine!

    1. The redbuds truly are harbingers of spring. Their blooms don't last long but while they do, they are the stars of the garden.

  5. Beautiful Blooms...loved the Azalea blooms..we have some common blooms again ..
    Have a great week ahead.

    1. Azaleas really do mean spring and they are ubiquitous here. Almost every garden has at least one, usually several.

  6. It has finally warmed a bit here but I don't think we have broken the barrier yet. What a weird, cold, wet winter we have had. The bonus is how green everything is and the trees look so much happier than they have for a few years so I am not actually complaining. But it looks like you are about a month ahead of us. A sight for my flower loving eyes.

    1. It's been a weird winter here, also, but then weird weather is what we've come to expect, isn't it? At least all your rain has replenished your trees and everything else and that's a good thing.

  7. Your GBBD will help tide me over until spring comes to upstate New York. It got up to 67 degrees today but cold air is coming back tonight with below freezing temperatures tomorrow night. Enjoying your blooms - especially the wild blackberries, which remind me of living in rural Arkansas years ago. Our winter has been so up and down, and clouds are normal for us. I can't believe how many blooms you have!

    1. The wild blackberries are having a very good season here. More berries to feed to birds, not to mention for blackberry cobbler.


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