Not Bloom Day - March 2023

I didn't do a Bloom Day post on March 15, because, well, I lack blooms. There is just not much going on in my yard bloom-wise at the moment. That just makes the few blossoms that I do have much more appreciated.

The redbud has been in bloom. Full disclosure: This picture was taken a few days ago. The blooms have now faded and the tree is beginning to leaf out.
By my little goldfish pond, the trout lilies have been blooming.

Carolina jessamine is always a dependable spring bloomer.

This antique rose decorates the side of our garden shed.

And this is 'Julia Child,' my favorite yellow rose.

Isn't she pretty?

I hope by the time April Bloom Day rolls around I will have a bit more color to share with you.


  1. It's great to see these flowers in your yard, Dorothy. We still have to wait a little longer but the signs are all good, and soon little green shoots will be poking up out of the ground. Such a great time of the year.

  2. My yard is covered in snow! Happy first day of spring. :D

  3. I am sad that winter is over, but I can't wait to see all your coming flower posts!

  4. Beautiful yellow rose. I enjoy the blooms of your garden. I feel like the spring flowers here & there are really going to bust open big this year. Enjoy.

  5. I disagree. I think you have a lot of flowers. And they are beautiful...


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