Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - August 2022

I admit that I completely forgot about Carol Michel's meme Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day this month. It was only after I started seeing other bloggers' posts that I remembered, so I grabbed my camera and ran outside to record what is blooming in my garden this month. It didn't take long because there is not much there. Only the toughest of the tough plants can still manage to produce a few blooms when the temperatures hover around 100 degrees Fahrenheit every day and the few puffy clouds have forgotten how to drop their moisture. Here then are the hardy few that still brighten my garden and provide sustenance for the butterflies. (If some of them look wilted, it's because they are. The pictures were taken when it was 96 degrees and felt like 103.)


The native butterfly weed is impervious to heat and drought.

And the old standard, petunias, can match the Asclepias for toughness.

Justicia 'Orange Flame.'

Purslane, of course, in pink...

...and yellow.

Blue plumbago will bloom regardless of the weather.

And so will yellow cestrum.

Some of my zinnias have given up, but these bloom on.

And so does this one. 

Pink crape myrtle.

And watermelon-colored crape myrtle.

Hamelia patens.

Turk's Cap.

Pride of Barbados, aka peacock flower.

At least the water lily doesn't go thirsty.

Thank you for visiting my hot and dry zone 9 garden in Southeast Texas this month. I look forward to visiting your garden in what I hope is a somewhat cooler clime!


  1. WOW - you still have a lot of different blooms considering the heat and drought. Petunias are ones that die off quickly for me when it's too hot here or perhaps I'm just not that good with them. I've switched to geraniums for my sun loving hanging baskets.

  2. Pretty flowers!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  3. There are still some lovely pinks and yellows in your garden! Our garden started to bloom as well, but it really needs to be taken care of when it's not that hot. The plants are actually taking over our living space, lol. But we're only here for a month now and the inside of the house had some priority :)

    1. That's the thing about gardens - they always need care. I'm afraid mine needs more than it is getting at the moment.

  4. Given the extended hot, dry period, your garden has done remarkably well, Dorothy. It always makes me happy to see Asclepias tuberosa.

    1. Native Asclepias tuberosa is one of the toughest plants around.

  5. You have some amazing blooms, Dorothy, considering the conditions. We are having a taste of your drought here in the NE. Not as hot as your place, but unbelievably dry.

    1. I don't know why that comment came up as Anonymous. Pam x

    2. Hmm...I don't know either but I'm glad you were able to identify yourself!

  6. Love all the varieties of flowers you have!

    1. The garden is certainly not at its best right now but all the plants I've featured here are indomitable.

  7. It appears your garden has quite a few tough flowering plants that withstand the heat. Very pretty to look at.

  8. I am impressed and you have a lot of blooming plants for this time of year. The butterfly weed looks lovely. I planted a bit of that last year but it has not done well, not enough sun where I planted it. I am going to try some sunnier areas. Although I have little room in my tiny "yard."

    1. Butterfly weed is a really tough plant as long as it can get enough sun. It does take a while to become well established though. I've had mine for several years.

  9. The water lily is so pretty! Has to be my favorite!

  10. I literally have no idea what is Carol Michel's meme Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day but as far your images are concerned they are breath taking especially yellow cestrum. Keep up the good work. By the way i am also gonna put it as a desktop cover!


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