This week in birds - Not!

"This week in birds" is taking the day off to celebrate the blogger's husband's birthday. We'll be back as usual next weekend. In the meantime, I hope you have an opportunity to be outdoors enjoying the birds and the environment and that you will remember to take whatever action is in your power to protect them both.


  1. I am in shock, filled with angst, disappointment, and an empty hole in my Saturday morning! But I understand! Have a great time together celebrating a birthday.

    1. I am so sorry to disappoint you, David, but hang in there. I shall return!

  2. Happy birthday to your husband, there is a tit singing outside my window to celebrate that :)

    1. Here we have a relative, the Tufted Titmouse, a charming little bird and one of my backyard favorites.

  3. Happy Birthday to Mr Dorothy! It is sunny and warm here today and the birds are all singing!

  4. Happy birthday to your husband! I spent some of my morning watching what I think may have been a Carolina wren try to build a nest on my front porch light. Later this afternoon the nest was abandoned and the material was on my front porch. It's a drama I will never know the truth of. But I'm in my back yard now, listening to the birds sing.

    1. Many birds, including wrens, occasionally start several nests before they settle on the one they will use. Enjoy your birds.

  5. Happy birthday to your husband! I saw my first cowbird yesterday. And I thought the goldfinches were gone, but, no, several came to my feeder.

    1. Our goldfinches and siskins are on the move, but a few are still hanging around and those that wintered farther south are also passing through now. I haven't seen as many cowbirds this spring as I usually do and that's okay with me!


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