The Manning brothers

I am a baseball kind of person - a faithful fan of the Houston Astros through thick and thin. In recent years, it has been all thin, but never mind. Losing is part of the game. They'll win again, maybe even next year.

So, I don't really pay much attention to football, except that, as I've mentioned here before, I do follow the careers of the Manning brothers. It's a legacy from my youth when I was a big fan of their father, Archie Manning.

I still am a big fan of his and I've transferred that interest and loyalty to his two sons who now play in the NFL. So far this year, Peyton and Eli have given new meaning to the words "thick" and "thin."

Poor Eli and his New York Giants have definitely been on the thin side. They have yet to win a game.

Meantime, the elder brother, Peyton, is riding high and is right in the thick of things. He's already broken several passing and offensive records this season, but I'll bet if you asked him, he would admit that the most fun he's had all year was running for a touchdown on his 37-year-old legs yesterday. The best part about it was that he faked everybody out, including the cameraman.  

That play could almost make me a football fan again.


  1. Hi Dorothy - I have only ever been to one baseball game in my life - in San Fran - if I remember correctly the Oakland A's were playing the Baltimore Orioles - I found all the traditions around the game quite fascinating. We used to play softball at school but very little baseball is played at all in NZ. Cheers

    1. I've been a diehard baseball fan since I was twelve years old and I do still love the game - the rhythms of the play, the arcane traditions, the timelessness of it. It has lost its claim to being "the great American pasttime," but it is certainly still the great pasttime of those of us who love it.


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