Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2019

Summertime (almost). The cicadas are serenading and the crape myrtles are in bloom. Here in hot pink.

And here in lavender.

'Cashmere Bouquet' clerodendron.

And potato vine.

'Belinda's Dream' rose.

It doesn't look very red but this is red yucca.

This was my much-appreciated Mother's Day gift from my daughters - a vitex shrub, also called chaste tree.

The blossoms remind one a bit of lilac which we can't grow here. They are much-loved by all pollinators, especially bees.

A Mother's Day gift from a previous year was this hydrangea which has been blooming its heart out this spring.

I do love its big squashy blossoms.

These blossoms are definitely not big and squashy. It's buttonbush (Cephalonthus occidentalis) and you can see how it got its common name. The blossoms do look a bit like buttons. It is a native plant, also much-loved by pollinators.

An oldie but a goodie - 4 o'clock.

This is a newer variety of 4 o'clock, planted last year.

And here's the white variety.

These daylilies have bloomed especially well this spring.

The ubiquitous salvia - autumn sage.

The rather inconspicuous little flowers of the beautyberry eventually develop into the colorful berries that give the plant its name.

'Pride of Barbados' - one of my favorite summer bloomers. Those hot orange and yellow blossoms just seem to say "summer."

Duranta erecta - aka golden dewdrop.


Wonderful blooms!

Justicia 'Orange Flame' has been especially floriferous this spring.

The wildflower, purple-head sneezeweed, that I showed you last month is still going strong.

Some of the purple coneflowers are in bloom.

Tropical milkweed. I haven't seen many Monarchs this spring and no caterpillars yet.

This native sunflower doesn't have the big dinner-plate sized individual blooms of the cultivated varieties but it covers itself in these saucer-sized beauties.


Nearby the crocosmia is almost in bloom.

Turk's Cap lit by the setting sun.

The crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet' never fails me.

Summer phlox, always a wonderful addition to the summer garden.

And what would the summer garden be without its iconic sound effects? Here's one of those aforementioned serenaders, a cicada, resting on the ground before taking flight.

That's a sample of what's blooming in my southeast Texas garden this June. I hope you and your garden are enjoying this (almost) summer. Thank you for visiting and thank you, Carol of May Dreams Gardens for hosting.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Beautiful! A great variety of colors!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. Beauty all around,loved the pink shades of Crinum,Oleander,jatropha and pink Four'o clock
    As I am writing this post there is advent for pre monsoon weather ...hope it brings back the blooms .

    1. I do seem to have a lot of pink blooms in my garden this month. Perhaps the monsoon will arrive to replenish the blooms and to give relief from the horrible heat wave that your country has been suffering.

    2. Ps Hows your husband ...hope he is healthy and fine ...Take care and be blessed.

    3. Thank you for asking, Arun. His recovery is going very well. It's a long process, but every day in every way he's getting better and better!

  3. When I saw crepe myrtle first thing in your post, my heart went a flutter. I love crepe myrtle and perhaps one day there will be one suitable to zone 5 - just not yet. I enjoyed your June because almost many of your flowers are different than ours. I' also happy to read that your husband is recovering.

    1. Thank you, Alana. Yes, crape myrtles are definitely winners for us. They are so ubiquitous that we tend to take them for granted.

  4. What a fantastic garden with so much variety! It's interesting how we can't all grow the same flowers in our gardens, so I'm glad we share on our blogs :)

    My Corner of the World

    1. I always enjoy going round the world each month to see what's growing in different places.

  5. I am not a big fan of roses, but the color on 'Belinda's Dream' is really unique. Justicia is something I need to look into. It looks like an unknown tropical houseplant a friend of mine has - pink colored blooms.

    1. Roses are tricky. I only grow antiques or Earth Kind varieties that do well in our climate. 'Belinda' is an Earth Kind rose and is fairly bulletproof.

  6. So much beauty! I am indeed enjoying my almost summer yard.

    1. I would enjoy mine more if I could stay ahead of the weeds, but oh, well...


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