April in the garden

March showers bring April flowers - is that how it goes? Well, maybe not, but it seems to be working that way in my garden.

Spring is, of course, prime time for wildflowers here, some of which bloom in my garden, like these bluebonnets.

 Among the blue is the occasional pink bonnet.

These dianthus plants were in bloom in early March and were weighed down by the ice storm we had them, but, even as it bent the plants, that didn't slow them down much. They are still blooming.

 April is when my camellia, 'Mabel Bryan' blooms.

Everywhere along the roadsides, the wild blackberries have been in full and glorious bloom this spring, promising a bumper harvest of berries later. Some of the wild plants grow as weeds in my garden along some of the fences. I mostly leave them alone - the birds enjoy the berries.

The white loropetalum is full of these fringy flowers just now. Its fuchsia-colored cousin bloomed a few weeks earlier.

Last Wednesday I showed you this allium with this butterfly, a Funereal Duskywing, but I couldn't get a dorsal view of the critter. Well, here it is back today - in fact there were two of them - and this time it was a bit more cooperative about posing.

The purple oxalis is beginning to send out its dainty little pink blossoms.

Azaleas in the area have really been putting on a show this spring. I believe they enjoyed and benefitted from the several extended cold spells that we had during winter.

 Now is the time of the redbud bloom. This tree with its pretty pink blossoms is a magnet for pollinators and birds of many kinds.

 This fuchsia lives in a hanging basket near my front door to welcome visitors.

Some winter blossoms just keep on going right into spring, like these sunny pansies which brighten my back porch.

After a long, gray winter, it is such a joy to see the garden coming to life again and putting on its colorful spring clothes.


  1. You have so much blooming right now! The purple oxalis is beautiful. That's a great photo of it. I love bluebonnets - such a pretty wildflower. Thanks for sharing these photos.

    1. And thank you for stopping by. Yes, finally the blooms are beginning to show up again - and that makes me happy!

  2. Wow Dorothy, you have lots of things blooming! I've never see a pink bluebonnet. How sweet :-) I'm also enjoying seeing the bluebonnets along the roadside on my commute to and from work. Is your fuschia a perennial? I bought a couple in containers last year, but they withered and died in the heat of summer. Time for me to get some more!

    1. Unfortunately, the fuchsia is an annual purchased this spring, but I enjoy it while it lasts.


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