Why aren't you out counting birds?

Mrs. Cardinal says, "The Great Backyard Bird Count is underway. Why aren't you out counting birds?"

Yes, this is the weekend of the big count. It starts today and runs through Presidents' Day on Monday. Participating couldn't be easier. Just note the birds in your yard or in some other public or private space which you designate and then go to the website and report what you've seen.

You don't have to be an ornithologist or even an expert birder. Just be able to recognize the birds in your area by sight or by referring to a bird field guide. And if there are some you can't identify, well, you can report that, too.

This is important, because the information collected by citizen scientists, when collated, helps ornithologists to determine the winter movements of birds and the health of bird populations. Are populations declining or booming? This count will help to tell the tale.

So, get off the sofa, grab you binoculars and go out and count! You might see me because I'm heading outside right now.  


  1. I've been hearing birds singing all week, even when it has been cold. I am far from a birder, but I am beginning to hope spring is on my way. I should check this out.

    1. Yes, you should. GBBC would love to have a report from you.

  2. Because it was pouring rain with 20 mph+ gusts of wind all day? My husband even remarked on where do the birds and peacocks (I know they are birds too but they get their own category from me) and the racoons go when it rains? I will have a look today, as the rain has taken a break so far.

    1. Okay, I guess you can have a weather pass for yesterday, but the rest of the weekend beckons.

  3. I'm more aware of the birds I see since I have birds as pets and I read your blog. :-)

    1. I'm delighted to hear that you are more aware of birds. That is certainly one of the purposes of my blog. What kind do you have as pets?


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