February flowers: Daffodils and amaryllises

In the winter garden, the first daffodils are rearing their pretty heads.

And, inside, the amaryllises continue to grace our days.

Spring is in the air, which is 80 degrees F and sunny as I write this, and my plants that were frostbitten by our early January freeze are slowly coming back. Welcome, February!


  1. We are still months away from daffodils. But I saw pansies in Virginia last week. Thank you for another glimpse of spring.

    1. Pansies are among my winter favorites. I have a big pot of bright yellow ones just by my back porch and they cheer me every time I see them.

  2. No flowers for North Idaho. I don't expect anything until end of the month and that will be up next to house.
    Coffee is on

    1. The ones in protected places are always the first to show their heads. Meantime, enjoy your hot coffee and dream about spring!

  3. How beautiful! Like Alana said, we are months away from daffodils. It's good that you already have them.

  4. Nothing yet here. Usually my red azalea is blooming by now but it has been a little too cold. But soon!

    1. My azalea has just opened its first blooms at the bottom of the plant. It'll take a few days for the blooming to reach all the way to the top.


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