Poetry Sunday: The Moon by William Henry Davies

There is a full moon tonight. A supermoon, in fact, the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. Its traditional name is the Full Cold Moon because it heralds the coming of winter. 

If it is a cloudless night where you are, go outside and enjoy the beauty of the "fair Moon, so close and bright."

The Moon

by William Henry Davies

Thy beauty haunts me heart and soul, 
Oh, thou fair Moon, so close and bright; 
Thy beauty makes me like the child 
That cries aloud to own thy light: 
The little child that lifts each arm 
To press thee to her bosom warm. 

Though there are birds that sing this night 
With thy white beams across their throats, 
Let my deep silence speak for me 
More than for them their sweetest notes: 
Who worships thee till music fails, 

Is greater than thy nightingales.


  1. How beautiful and fitting! I loved the second stanza.

    1. It is a nice little poem and very timely, I thought. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Thanks to you I read one poem a week! We have been watching the moon rise for several nights. But now we have severe Santa Ana winds and the fires are raging again-:( Pray for Los Angeles please.

    1. I was just reading the story about the latest fires in The Guardian. Horrible. Southern California will be in my thoughts as the struggle to control the fires continues.


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