Poetry Sunday: A Copywriter's Christmas

'Tis the season, and here is a rather acerbic - but not inaccurate - comment on the commercial exploitation of that season.

A Copywriter's Christmas

by Margaret Fishback

The Twenty-fifth is imminent
And every known expedient
Designed for making Christmas pay
is getting swiftly under way.
Observe the people swarming to
And fro, somnambulating through
The stores in search of ties and shirts
And gloves to give until it hurts.

They're eyeing gifts in Saks' and Hearn's
And Macy's, not to mention Stern's,
While earnest copywriters are
Hitching their copy to the star
Of Bethlehem quite shamelessly,
For they are duty bound to see
That Peace On Earth Good Will To Men
Gets adequate results again.


  1. Boy howdy. I was out in the retail world today. Instead of poinsettias I bought sprays of rose hips and holly at Trader Joes. But still.

    1. I do my best to stay out of stores during this season. Thank goodness for the internet and online shopping.

  2. I was out on Black Friday. It was a nightmare to get to the local mall and to get out of the parking lot towards the street. It seemed the whole country's population was visiting malls that day. (!!!) ;-)

  3. 1933, possibly, for this poem? Some things never change. Read up on Margaret Fishback - what a talented writer.

    1. Yes, it has a copyright date of 1933. I think we can agree that things have only gotten more commercialized since then. The copywriters are busier than ever.

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