Backyard Nature Wednesday: Feverfew

The feverfew (Tanacetum Parthenium) in my herb garden has been going crazy with blooms this spring. It is a pretty and decorative plant, a perennial herb that is covered by daisy-like flowers and grows into a small bush. Its leaves have a light citrus scent. It can spread rapidly and cover a fairly large area after a few years. It likes full sun and can be cut back to the ground in the autumn. The plant is native to Eurasia, but is cultivated today around the world.

 Feverfew has long been used in the herbal treatment of various illnesses. Its name indicates one of its uses which is to reduce fever. It is used in the prevention of migraines and headaches, arthritis, muscle tension and pain. It is also efficacious for lowering blood pressure, lessening stomach irritation, stimulating the appetite and improving digestion and kidney function. Other uses include the treatment of colitis, dizziness, tinnitus, and menstrual problems. Contraindications for use include for pregnant women and for people who take blood thinners.

But in addition to all those medicinal uses, it is just a very pretty and easy-to-grow plant, one that I find very valuable in my garden, even if I don't use it as a palliative.    


  1. Its flowers are very pretty.

  2. My mom had Feverfew in her garden. I am adding it to my list for stuff to plant this year, along with borage.


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