Oh, happy day!

For the past several weeks, all the way back to the first few days of April, we have been without rain. As I worked in my garden, the soil for the first several inches on top was nothing but dust. I had started providing supplemental water for my plants that needed it. In April!

But over the last few days, Mother Nature has done her best to make up for her neglect. Last Friday, we got 1.25 inches of much-needed rain. It turned out, that was just a down payment.

The rain started around 11:00 last night and continued until at least 5:00 this morning. This was the rain gauge in my vegetable garden when I went to check it this morning.

That's right - three glorious inches of rain fell during the night!

My world looks washed clean and refreshed this morning. The bird poop has been washed off the bench under the magnolia tree. And everything else - even the tops of the bird feeders that are always covered in the poop of their visitors. It won't last long, of course, but at least it will make me happy while it does.

Even the plants look happy today. But happiest of all are the frogs.

Can't you see his smile?


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