This week in birds - #563

A roundup of the week's news of birds and the environment:  

The warblers are passing through on their way farther south for the winter. Today I had a visit from a Wilson's Warbler (not this one - I didn't have my camera on me) that spent time resting, preening, and feeding in a crape myrtle tree in the backyard. Pretty little bird!


The simple act of dimming nighttime lights in cities can help to save the lives of migrating birds, many of which do their migrating during the hours of night and can become confused by bright lights.


Scientists are trying some rather unconventional methods to try to save corals.


The tiny pearl darter which vanished from some southern rivers fifty years ago is being reintroduced to those rivers.


Why did early human ancestors turn stones into spheres? Scientists can only speculate.


The Biden Administration plans to bar drilling for oil and natural gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


Here are the pictures of the winners of the 2023 photography of birds.


A mysterious "golden orb" found on the ocean floor off the coast of Alaska is puzzling scientists.


The underwater eruption of a Pacific volcano in January 2022 was one of the most powerful eruptions ever recorded.


It is fitting that, in this time of warbler migrations, the Blackpoll Warbler is the American Bird Conservancy's Bird of the Week.


Invasive species can create terrible problems in the environment when they turn up where they don't belong.


Is aquaponics the future of growing food, especially in the city?


A 1,000-year-old mummy with long brown hair has been unearthed in Peru


Heatwaves around the world are making air quality even worse, according to climate scientists.


  1. The goldfinch are out in force especially early evenings, when they congregate around the sunflowers and the coneflowers for their seeds. Love watching them.

  2. Sorry to be so late getting to the roundup this week, Dorothy. I am away on Vancouver Island having a wonderful time, but I am pressed for time. Great choice for a header picture - we were looking at migrating Wilson’s Warblers this morning. Will be back to normal next week. Thanks as always for the roundup. I just really haven’t had time to go through it yet. David

  3. Don't you just love it when a pretty little bird like that warbler shows up and you don't have your camera on you? That has happened to me so many times!

    1. Happens to me all the time. Maybe I should wear a camera around my neck whenever I'm outside.

  4. I do hope I see some warblers here as they pass through.


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