Have you missed me yet?

For those of you who might have noticed and wondered where I've been this week, well, it is not a pretty story. 

I had a medication change last week and it turns out I had a severe allergic reaction to the new medication. My last few days have been mostly spent in the hospital. I'm home now and feeling much better so I hope to get back on schedule with both my blogging and my reading soon. And I do hope, dear reader, that you are having a much better week than I've had!


  1. Oh, Dorothy, that doesn't sound good at all! Get well soon and come back renewed! :-)

  2. Wow, last week was cursed! So sorry you had to go to the hospital and so glad you are feeling better. I too have managed to outlive the curse. Take care, Dorothy.

  3. Oh no! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  4. Oh no!! Wishing you the speediest of recoveries, Dorothy.


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