Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - April 2019

Happy Bloom Day! Welcome to my zone 9a garden near Houston, Texas.

The busiest gardening season of the year, spring, is very much with us here, but my gardening season has not been very busy so far. Some health issues have limited my ability to work in the garden. As a consequence of that, no new plants have been added this spring which means no new blossoms. Still, I'm happy to have the blooms that my old plants produce.

Many of the same plants that were blooming for March Bloom Day are still going strong. Things like...

...the pansies and violas.

And still more violas.

The snapdragons.

The yarrow.

And, of course, the 'Peggy Martin' rose. 'Peggy' has been in bloom since January but she is just now reaching her peak.

The gerberas.

The purple oxalis which I plant on purpose.

And its wild cousin that plants itself in many of my beds around the garden.

Feverfew has completed one bloom cycle and is just starting another.

The coral honeysuckle is still in bloom.

And now its invasive cousin, Japanese honeysuckle, is blooming in my neighbor's yard and hanging over the fence into my yard. Pretty and sweet-smelling as it is, it is an aggressive invader and I fight a battle against it every spring to keep it from taking up residence in my yard.

I have enjoyed having this long-blooming wildflower, Texas groundsel, in my garden this spring. The butterflies, like the tiny satyr pictured here, have enjoyed it, too.

'Belinda's Dream' rose is beginning to bloom.

And the pomegranate tree is full of these orange blossoms.

Yellow cestrum.

The red yucca is not quite in full bloom yet but soon will be.

The Salvia greggii, aka autumn sage, is blooming.

And so are the red columbines.

Justicia 'Orange Flame.'

The blue-eyed grass closes its eyes and goes to sleep by late afternoon and it was already beginning to close when I took this picture.

And the same goes for the water lilies. This one was beginning to close up.

If it is April, then it must be amaryllis season. Some of my early ones have already bloomed and faded, but this one, which may be my favorite, is still making my world a more beautiful place.

Thank you for visiting my garden this month. If you haven't already, be sure to visit May Dreams Gardens for a list of all the gardeners who are participating by sharing their gardens.

I wish you a happy spring in the garden.


  1. Once again, I enjoy coming (virtually) to your garden and see some of what is a coming attraction, mixed in with things I can not grow in my climate zone. Amaryllis outside? So nice. Wish I could give you mine, which sit and almost never rebloom. I hope your health issues resolve soon.

    1. Amaryllis does very well outside here. I often get one for inside during the holiday season and then plant it outside in the spring and most will thrive and bloom for years.

  2. Its always a pleasure to know whats blooming in your garden every month since its quite relatable to my own garden blooms even after disparity in demography ...Loved the aquilegia blooms and little violas as amongst others ,although mine have withered off.
    Have a great week ahead.

    1. It is always fun to compare our blooms. I enjoy my visit to your garden each month, too.

  3. I love that you can have amaryllis outside! That Peggy Martin rose is just gorgeous! I started some yarrow from seed this winter. It's still pretty small right now, but hopefully it will bloom this summer.

    1. 'Peggy Martin' is a real winner. The description of the plant says it blooms once a year, which is technically true, but that "once" lasts for four or five months!

  4. The amaryllis pic is beautiful, as is the one featuring the 'Belinda's Dream' rose. Your garden gives me an acute case of 'garden envy', as I would like blooms like those...If only! :-)

    1. I hope you get a chance to have a garden of your own in the future.

  5. Loving your garden, I recognize a lot of them. I hope mine looks that good in a few months when spring comes to my world!

    1. There is beauty in your garden no matter the season.

  6. Oh, to be in Texas now that April is here! Beautiful plants - and photos.

    1. Texas in April does have its charms. It's lulling us into a false sense of security so it can hit us with the double whammy of July and August!

  7. I have not planted anything new yet for the same reason as you. So grateful for all I have planted before and for the rain that has made it the most beautiful year yet at my current location. All that work paying off. Yours too!

    1. The garden is a great solace at times like these.


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