(Almost) spring blooms

Finally! My garden has a few (almost) spring blooms opening up.

Carolina jessamine.

Bees of all kinds do love those jessamine flowers.


More poppies.

And more poppies.

And still more.

Purple oxalis blooms just beginning to peek out.

Sweet alyssum.

Loropetalum chinense (Chinese fringeflower).

I love these fringy fuchsia-colored flowers.

Daffodils, of course. Some in yellow.

And some in white.

Scabiosa (pincushion flower).

The flowers are actually a bit more blue than they appear in the image.

These flowers just confirm that spring really is beginning to peek over the horizon.


  1. Wow...And just like that your garden is in bloom again. ;-) I love spring!

    1. What's not to love about spring? Or even almost spring?

    2. Birds were singing here today. Tomorrow they are going to get a nasty surprise. :-o

    3. I heard about the big storm headed your way. Be safe.

  2. Your garden definitely looks like spring to me--lovely! I have just a few snowdrops blooming, but I know it won't be long now.

    1. Once the blooms start, they quickly turn into a tidal wave of color. A month from now our gardens will hardly look like the same places that were covered in the brown shades of winter.


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