Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - January 2019

Welcome to Bloom Day in my zone 9a garden near Houston, Texas. If you visited here on December Bloom Day, you'll find that most of what I have to show you today are the same plants that were in bloom then. We haven't had any below freezing temperatures since then, so the garden is much the same.

In fact, we haven't had any below freezing temperatures since early November, just before that month's Bloom Day. Our winter so far has been quite mild with our nighttime low temperatures usually in the 40s F, occasionally falling into the high 30s. What we have had is rain and plenty of it. Heavy rainfalls of two to four inches have been fairly common, leaving my yard in a bit of a soggy mess and giving me a good excuse to stay inside and read. But pruning time is fast approaching; time to prune those fruit trees and vines and many of my shrubs, including the roses. So, soon I'll have to don my Wellies and slog my way out to  do my duty. Some gardening chores just can't be postponed.

We grow purple oxalis mainly for its colorful foliage, but I am quite fond of its sweet little blossoms as well. It blooms when the weather is chilly so it is really in its element at this time of year. When summer comes, it generally dies back to the ground only to come out again when cooler fall weather arrives.

The firespike that was blooming in December is blooming still.

The 'Darcy Bussell' rose still sends out occasional blooms.

As does the 'Julia Child'.

And the pink Knockout is flowering now as well.

Next to the goldfish/frog pond the white yarrow is beginning to bloom.

And the gerbera daisies continue to add a bit fo color to the garden.

And, of course, there are still plenty of pansies and violas.

Lots of pansies.

And violas.

And more violas.

And mixed pansies and violas.

The herb feverfew is in bloom. It is a medicinal herb and the name tells you what it was traditionally used for. Personally, I just enjoy the little blooms.

The Cape honeysuckle is always knocked back by the mildest of freezing temperatures, but so far there's been nothing to discourage it and it blooms on.

I had hoped my daffodils and snowdrops might have been in bloom by now, but no such luck. Maybe by February.

I hope your January garden is thriving. I look forward to visiting it. Don't forget to visit our host, Carol of May Dreams Gardens, to see a list of all the gardens participating this month.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Beautiful!
    Love the purple Oxalis! Violas and Pansies are wonderful this time of the year.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. I love that oxalis, too. I have it in beds or pots all around the garden.

  2. You have quite the plethora of blooms. It is too cold here for much. I do have a Jelena witch hazel blooming, just two blooms. That will have to suffice. Happy GBBD.

  3. Your garden is thriving in spite of the rain, or perhaps because of it. :-) Our winter has also been relatively mild: almost no snowfall though there have been so brutal temperatures like last weekend, especially at night.

    1. Well, the weeds are certainly thriving because of the rain. All the beds are covered in them, but I hope to put a dent in their advance soon.

  4. I love your purple oxalis. Funny thing, it does the opposite here (dormant in winter and doesn't really hit it's stride until summer gets fairly warm (relatively.) Pristine-looking roses in January with all that rain? I'm impressed. Happy GBBD!

    1. Isn't that interesting about the oxalis? Our summers are just too damned hot for them! But then our summers are too damned hot for many things - including the gardener.

  5. Lovely to have a bloom day today. We are also having more rain than in recent years. A blessing. I too am planning my pruning chores.

  6. Such a lot of blooms! I guess I could count it as a blessing that I get a few months off from them to plan and prepare for spring!
    I just leave feverfew to flower also. It's so dainty.

    1. I, too, enjoy the temporary relief from garden chores in winter.

  7. I love the Julia Child rose! That’s definitely one of my favs ❤️

  8. No January gardens where I live, so that's why I visit GBBD sites like yours. I love purple oxalis but alas, it's a summer plant for us - as are roses. No freezing temperatures....ahhhhh....

    1. Our 10-day forecast is predicting freezing temps for us again next weekend. We shall see.

  9. Beautiful violas,mine will take there sweet time to come into bloom.

  10. I've seen the oxalis grown as a houseplant - I've never seen the flowers before!

    1. I've never attempted growing it as a houseplant, but it thrives in my garden.


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