Backyard Nature Wednesday: Spring marches on

Here we are at the first of March. Spring hasn't arrived on our calendar yet, but it feels like it has been present for at least a couple of weeks now. 

In the vegetable garden, my corn is as high as a mouse's eye and the tomato plants have blooms already. This week, I'm hoping to get my beans and squash planted.

Around the garden, plants continue to wake up from their short winter naps. New growth is everywhere. And as the old plants come back, more and more blooms are added to the mix.

The crossvine is nearly in full bloom now.

Ditto the 'Peggy Martin' rose.

And the redbud.

The pansies and violas have bloomed all winter and they bloom still.

The purple oxalis is just beginning to bloom.

While this old azalea has been at it for weeks.

And so has the Carolina jessamine. It is actually on its second wave of blooms now.

Pretty little leucojum snowflakes, the only kind of snowflakes we ever get around here.

Onion chives.

Coral honeysuckle.

Heucera 'Coral bells.'


The blueberries are beginning to bloom promising yummy blueberry muffins to come. 

I've planted my winter amaryllises in the garden now and this one continues to bloom.

So, hello, March, and thanks for the blooms. Try not to give us any nasty late freeze surprises, please. 


  1. So many blooms and March just started! I know what you mean by "nasty late freeze surprises"... We have had benign weather for a while, but this Saturday we are supposed to be 30 F during the day, and 18 F at night without factoring other environmental conditions.

    1. I took a chance by starting my vegetable garden early this year to get ahead of the insect pests. A late freeze would wipe out my plants unless I can protect them all. So I'm hoping for a mild March.

  2. Beautiful as always. My mom used to grow coral bells in both New Jersey and Michigan. It was wonderful to see them.

    1. They are nice plants. I added them to my garden this winter for some color and they've done very well so far. I don't know if the summer's heat and humidity will do them in. Time will tell.

  3. We actually have snowdrops and squill (and I saw yellow crocus) yesterday. And I saw an elm in bloom. But this weekend we are going to have a hard freeze. It isn't looking good for us. Right now, 35 with wind gusting to 40 mph and I leave for work soon. Ugh! Enjoy your flowers! Alana

    1. Hold on, Alana. I promise you spring really is coming, even to Binghamton!

  4. You have so many blooms in your March garden Dorothy and I love all the pink!


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