Another blog? Ya gotta be kidding!

For about three years now, I have been a part of the world of blogging. I currently maintain two blogs, both of them for the Houston Chronicle.

I called my first blog "Backyard Birder" because that's what I am. Birds are a passion with me, but I possess no particular expertise, except as a backyard birder and so that is what I signed on to write about. Backyard birds are endlessly fascinating to me, and I'm still learning about them and sharing what I learn with my readers.

My second blog with the Chronicle is called "Gardening with Nature" because that's what I do. I am engaged in creating a garden in my yard that is a seamless extension of Nature. It is a habitat garden that welcomes wildlife of many kinds, especially birds, butterflies, and bees. Working on this garden has been one of the great joys of my life and it is my ongoing pleasure. I live in a climate where gardening takes place twelve months of the year, so there is always something happening here - always something to write about.

So why another blog? Well, because I do have other interests that I would like to write about that don't necessarily fall within the neat categorization of birds or gardens. I am a constant and avid reader and I like to write about the books that I read. I have a strong interest in politics ( I am a liberal) and in human endeavors and foibles on many levels and I felt the need for a platform for expressing my views on some of these subjects. Why keep it all bottled up inside, after all?

And so, herewith, blog #3. I hope you'll join me here from time to time and, perhaps, begin a conversation.


  1. Welcome to Blogger :) Finally, I can put you in my Google Reader!

  2. Thank you and thank you for being a follower, Susan.


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