Poetry Sunday: Winter Trees by William Carlos Williams

Winter has finally arrived in southeast Texas. We're actually expected to have some below freezing temperatures over the next few days. And the wise trees that have dropped their leaves will stand sleeping through it all.

Winter Trees

by William Carlos Williams 

All the complicated details
of the attiring and
the disattiring are completed!
A liquid moon
moves gently among
the long branches.
Thus having prepared their buds
against a sure winter
the wise trees
stand sleeping in the cold.


  1. A simple, lovely poem. The idea of wise trees sleeping is very appealing.

  2. I have never read this before, but I am gobsmacked by its simplicity and beauty.

  3. I love this! The liquid moon, the wise trees sleeping in the cold...such few words to paint such a beautiful picture. :D

  4. I have not read this one before but I like it ! I only know the poet's red wheelbarrow poem so let's have more!

  5. The trees that enter winter sleep are wise, indeed. This poem was beautiful in its simplicity.

  6. I bought a book of William Carlos Williams' poetry at a bookstore in Paris called The Red Wheelbarrow. Williams writes with such beautiful simplicity.


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