Wednesday in the garden: Fast and furious edition

Yes, fast and furious is how the flowers are coming these days.

The first sunflower of the season.

Tawny orange daylily.

Lemon yellow double daylily.

Raspberry salvia.

Scarlet salvia.

Blue morning glories.

Blackfoot daisies.

Yellow cestrum.

'Julia Child' rose, just a bit faded on its third day. 

'Darcy Bussell' rose.

'Christopher Marlowe,' another David Austin rose.

Orange milkweed.

Orange cannas.

Oakleaf hydrangea.

And even more coming along every day. It's a great time to be in the garden.


  1. Replies
    1. It takes a lot of sweat to be lucky in the garden!

  2. Wow! I know that everything blooms in your garden much earlier than mine, but I still can't believe all that is blooming for you in April already!

    1. Walking into the garden these days is such an adventure - always a new blossom to see.

  3. A garden is a little piece of heaven.

  4. The blue morning glories are spectacular!

    1. I love those morning glories. They are planted alongside moonflowers and the two together are quite amazing. Unfortunately, there were no moonflower blossoms open when I took the picture.

  5. I am thinking the same thing but for us, it's cherries, Bradford Pears, daffodils and crabapples - everything seems to be popping up at once. Still have some forsythias blooming in some yards and, meanwhile, the lilacs are getting ready to open. Wait! Stop! I need to catch up!

    1. Every day brings a new surprise. Today it's datura and 'Dallas Red' lantana.

  6. Gosh Dorothy, I feel as if I have just leapt forward six weeks in this post. How exciting - your flowers are beautiful and in a week of sleet, snow and frost, you have reminded me of how much we have to look forward to! Thank you!

    1. I feel sure that spring will reach you one day soon.

  7. Wow, I know you are much earlier than us, but even so - lovely to see all your summer blooms! My sunflowers are still tiny seedlings and my roses are in buds, but we'll get there eventually :-)
    Happy gardening!


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