Just when you thought it was safe to go to the ball park

My beloved Houston Astros are having a good season this year. They are presently leading the Western Division of the American League and they have done for much of the season. They have some very exciting young players who play the game with the abandon and joy of Little Leaguers. They are great fun to watch.

That hasn't been true in recent years. In fact, we fans have suffered through several years of below par baseball when our Astros had the worst record in the Major Leagues. 2015 is our reward for staying with them in all those years.

All that being said, I do have some empathy for the plight of Phillies fans this year. Their favorite team has fallen from the great height they achieved in 2008. This year they, too, have played like Little Leaguers but not in a good way. They haven't had much joy. 

In fact, there is no joy in Mudville...er...Philadelphia these days. Their season has turned into a horror movie.  


  1. Wow, they suck! It is hilarious.

    1. I love it! I just have to remember the stars of the horror movie could have been my Astros a couple of years ago.

    2. Wow, you have to be a real fan to root for that.


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