Silent Sunday: The old Terlingua cemetery


  1. because I was born and raised in west texas I have an inborn fondness for the vast empty spaces and the beauty of the big bend area. terlingua is one of my favorite places to visit. thanks for the pictures and the memories.

    1. It is a wonderful place. We greatly enjoyed our visit there.

  2. That's my sister's grave in the 7th picture... And my best friend's sister is in the grave to the left of her. You can just see the corner of it on the left side of the picture. Daughters of Terlingua, taken too soon.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, CMD. The old Terlingua cemetery is a very special and spiritual place. I was moved during our visit there by the obvious meaning that it has for the community and the care given to the site, sacred in the memory of so many.


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