Michele Bachmann, hunter

Michele Bachmann brags that she's a good shot with an AR-15 assault rifle and that it is her favorite weapon of choice for hunting. She told an interviewer on radio that she was going pheasant hunting with her fellow crazy, Rep. Steve King of Iowa, and left the impression that she was going to use an AR-15. Pheasant hunting with a semi-automatic assault rifle? Really, Michele?

I freely admit that I don't know much about guns and I know less about hunting, but I did grow up among some very successful hunters. I don't remember them ever using assault rifles. Rifles, yes, or sometimes shotguns, but they didn't find the need to resort to semi-automatic weapons. Still, they were able to bag their prey.

But in Republican politics, the bigger the gun you can claim to use the better, apparently. Whether it is actually the type of gun that is needed to kill your prey is irrelevant. I guess in Bachmann's case though her actual prey is the gullible voters of Iowa and she's hoping to bag them by flaunting her macho-ness.

This is disgusting.


  1. really, an 12 gauge shotgun which is a standard for pheasant hunting, is a bigger gun the an ar-15. And many, hunters, even most hunters of pheasants use semi automatic 12 gauges. Yes you have the die hard pump shotgun users and the side by side and over under crowd, but most seem to be using semi automatic now. It is also disgusting when someone who openly admits to not know much about guns writes an article complaining about what someone else said. She said she was going hunting in Iowa, then talked about her having a concealed carry permit and went on to talk about her ar-15, I watched the clip and don't see at all how she "left the impression" of using the ar-15 to hunt pheasants with. One of the most popular guns to hunt small game with is the Ruger 10/22, with is a semi auto. I think you should talk to your friends and see more realistically they use to hunt with, I would bet some of them, if not all have used a 10/22 and a semi auto shotgun.

    1. I bow to your superior knowledge of weaponry. I still maintain that it is disgusting, not to mention unsporting, to use a semi-automatic weapon to hunt game. My friends and relatives who hunt do not use semi-automatic weapons.

  2. I think you might be confusing semi-automatic with fully automatic. Semi-auto weapons merely remove the need to reload between shots. Fully automatic weapons fire shot after shot within seconds without having to release the trigger. That method of hunting is disgusting, because it doesn't matter if you miss or not, you can keep shooting and the prey doesn't know what hit them. The split second between shots with a semi-auto weapon is enough (if you missed the first time) for an animal to disappear for the next year or so.

    I personally use weapons with a clip, but they are bolt actions so you manually reload.

    1. It's entirely possible that I don't understand the difference. I certainly concede that. In fact, there's a lot about hunting, including the motivation, unless you are hunting to feed yourself and your family, that I really don't understand. The idea of "sport" hunting just seems obscene to me, but I recognize that it is something that otherwise perfectly compassionate and charitable people sometimes do. However, I don't see any legitimate excuse for a politician to pick up a gun and go shoot at some poor animal just to make him/herself some macho icon and a darling to the gun toters.

    2. I will agree in part with you Birdwoman, if the hunting is just for sport and the meat is wasted. Many sport hunters however give the meat away if they don't use it. I myself will not kill more than 1 deer a year as that's all I eat and will not shoot an animal that is not a nuisance that I won't eat.

      Just to let you know as an aside, there are semi auto 12 gauge shot guns that are styled like and look like an AR platform rifle.

  3. What the hell is wrong with you people? Hunting animals is not a sport, it's wanton murder. If you have no compassion for animals then you have no compassion for people

    1. I really cannot disagree with you, Sandra.

    2. Sandra your wrong there .. hunting animals is not murder.. murder by its definition is the taking of one's life and in this terms is meant that that life.. has a soul.. and animal has no soul.. and is put here on earth by God to serve a purpose for mankinds use.. nothing more.. nothing less.. should you torture animals.. certainly not however killing an animal and using the by-products from it is certainly not torture nor wrong to do so. Think about that the next time you go into any restaurant or grocery store and eat a hamburger.. have chicken mcnuggets or sit down to a nice ham dinner.. someone somewhere had to kill an animal so you could eat it. Just food for thought ! Think before you go throwing around "murderer" statements Thanks !

    3. Not going to get into theological discussion, but controlled hunting and wild life management has done way more for the welfare and populations of game animals than all the bleeding heart liberal PETA morons put together. Ethical hunters help to maintain healthy herds. Would you rather a few be taken for food and the majority florish, or all starve? It happens.

  4. Well Dan I agree with your point about getting a hamburger....people don't know and realize where their food comes from. I advice everyone a visit to their local slaughterhouse....I will guarantee a lot less meat consumption...less animal suffering...less cancers...
    But you are ignorant as hell about animals not heaving souls...how the hell do you know? Ever seen animals mourn over departed companions? Ever had a dog? Cat? Horse? No soul? Every animal's character is so different that you cannot state that they are mindless creatures put on this earth for us to use. We are all part of creation and this might come as a shock to you...we are animals just like the other mammals....we have souls...so we can presume they have some kind of soul too...making killing for need murder and killing for fun second second degree murder.
    Also did you ever realize that God might have intended us as food for lions, wolves, bears as well? They are much better equipped to hunt than we are...they are stronger, faster, braver and perfectly designed. Without a weapon a human doesn't stand a chance and is definitely not on top of the food chain. We are weak, weird looking creatures compared to other animals. Bit of a mistake in design I would think...we are very lucky God gave us more brain cells.
    Another thing.. you really think God wants us to kill and exterminate his creations without need...just for FUN? If you DON'T believe in God it is wrong to hunt for fun, but if you DO believe in God it is even worse. You are killing his perfect creations for fun...not for food...not for defence...no just for fun....to get a hard on.... We should not defend Melissa as a pure harted hunter in tune with her wild side acting as God has intended. Did God intend her to buy the right to kill a lion? Did He intend her to shoot perfectly fine animals and leaving their meat to rot and spoil? If is wasn't for her big gun and the rangers protecting her....she would be this poor lions breakfast...as God intended...


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