I support Huma Abedin

The whole sick drama about Anthony Weiner's - um - weiner just gets scuzzier and scuzzier. Whenever I read more about it, I feel an irresistable urge to go and wash my hands, not to mention wash my eyes with saline solution.

Actually, I've tried avoiding reading about it as much as possible, but if one is connected at all to the outside world, it seems impossible to avoid it altogether. Then I saw the headline in The New York Times yesterday that Weiner's wife of one year is in the "first stages of pregnancy." It just made me want to weep for her.

Huma Abedin is a beautiful, intelligent woman. I don't know her personally, of course, but I've seen her picture, and I know she has worked for Hillary Clinton for a number of years, going all the way back to when she was a senator. She would not have survived in that position unless she had unusual intelligence and unusual toughness. She now works for Clinton at the State Department as her close adviser and unofficial chief of staff and often travels with her on her diplomatic missions. When Abedin and Weiner got married last year, Bill Clinton performed the ceremony and Hillary Clinton threw a big party for them.

Abedin is in her mid-thirties, a hard-working career woman with enormous responsibilities and now, apparently, after being married for just a year, she is just barely pregnant. And now she learns that her husband who she obviously thought was worthy of being the father of her children is a sick, self-indulgent, sex-obsessed scuzzbag.

Well, it's up to her to decide what to do with this guy and it's really nobody's business what her choice is. She may decide that his good points outweigh his bad and that he is redeemable. Or she may decide to cut her losses and move on. And, speaking of cutting things, she might decide to take a rusty carving knife and whack off the offending organ. That would be his head, of course. The one on top of his body, because that's where the sickness dwells.

Whatever Huma Abedin decides to do, I support her. She would never be convicted by a jury of her peers.


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