Poetry Sunday: Autumn Fires by Robert Louis Stevenson

There are no autumn fires where I live in Southeast Texas unless they are the fires of neighbors burning their leaves. If we are lucky and actually get a winter this year we may have fires in the fireplace at some point. We can hope for that. In the meantime, let us enjoy Robert Louis Stevenson's take on the seasons: "Something bright in all! Flowers in the summer, Fires in the fall!"   

Autumn Fires

by Robert Louis Stevenson

In the other gardens
   And all up in the vale,
From the autumn bonfires
   See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer over, 
   And all the summer flowers,
The red fire blazes,
   The grey smoke towers.

Sing a song of seasons!
   Something bright in all!
Flowers in the summer,
   Fires in the fall! 


  1. We have a gas fireplace in the family room and I have no doubt that it will be pressed into service over the winter.

    1. You can count on there being a winter where you live, David. Down here on the Gulf Coast where summer often lingers into November, winter is a lot less certain.

  2. Love that last stanza! Autumn fires outside aren't allowed where I live. It's been too hot and dry this year. Maybe someday the weather will be cool once more. Wishing you a good week!

  3. We are already using the log burner in our sitting room . The conservatory fire is only used if it becomes extremely cold. I enjoy the changing of the seasons.

    1. I, too, enjoy the change of summer into autumn. Summers can be brutal here and autumn is perhaps our most pleasant season of the year.

  4. The last school where I worked was named for Robert Louis Stevenson. Of course I had to research him and his life and his books. He has managed to bear up under the test of time.

    Even though we have little fall or winter here, I still enjoy reading about fall and winter!

    1. We can live and enjoy the season vicariously through our reading.

  5. I grew up living in apartment buildings in New York City but my husband has fond memories of people burning autumn leaves. When we lived in rural Arkansas we heated with wood in the winter and there is truly nothing like wood heat. It really warms you twice.

    1. In the house where I grew up (until age 12) our only heat was from a wood-burning fireplace in the living room/den and the wood-burning stove in the kitchen. My father would get up early in the morning and start the fires to warm the house. Those winters were very cold.

  6. Beautiful. It's my favorite season.

  7. We have more fires in summer ... and luckily autumn is a beautiful time but it is a bit nippy out. RLS had a poetic sense to everything he wrote.

    1. I, myself, look forward to those "nippy" days. Hope we get some this year!


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