Poetry Sunday: Seasons of Life by Joseph Anderson

We are in mid-summer now but we know autumn and winter are coming...

Seasons of Life 

by Joseph Anderson

How like the seasons is our life,
We face the sunshine, storms and strife;
As seasons come, so they must go,
We are enjoined within that flow.

In spring we start our journey new,
When flowers bloom and skies are blue;
The trees are budding, birds will sing,
With youth in bloom, it's always spring.

'Tis summer soon, we are mature,
Face love and kids, home and career;
It's harvest time, success we seek,
These sounds of summer leave us weak.

Then autumn calls to have it's say,
The foliage falls, the hair turns gray;
The chill descends and soon the frost,
We think, perhaps on things we lost.

Old winter grips with snow and cold,
We watch our destined fate unfold;
As now we near our time to go
And seek life's final afterglow.


  1. We are part of nature too and our seasons ebb and flow.

  2. I think I'd like to go back to late spring, early summer in my life. Not looking forward to late fall and winter. But it's a great poem.

    1. Having now reached autumn, I can say there have been both pleasures and pain in every season. On the whole, I like where I am and wouldn't choose to go back.

  3. I, too, am in autumn. As much as I might like a summer body again, I don’t want to give up my hard earned wisdom and perspective. Aging is the path Nature gives us, for good or not so good.

    1. I am reminded of the old Frank Sinatra song, "It was a very good year." They are all good years, even when they are bad.

  4. I'm in the beginnings of winter, and loss of others is a new part of my everyday life. Still, I like this time. I'm better able to focus on important things.

    1. Each season brings us gifts. Those who are wise accept those gifts without obsessing over what has been lost.


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