Home again!

Yes, it's true! I am home again after my INTERMINABLE stay in the hospital and then a nursing home. (Well, actually a few days.) The old homestead never looked so good to me as when my daughter turned the car onto our street. I want to thank my readers who offered their good thoughts and wishes to me following my accident. You are SO much appreciated!

The ankle is still broken and in a most uncomfortable "boot" so I'm learning to navigate a wheelchair and a walker. But it will heal and this will pass. It just gives me a great deal of appreciation and empathy for those who must deal with such encumbrances as a usual part of their lives.

Again, thank you for remembering me, and keep sending that positive energy my way! 


  1. ...follow the doctor's instructions and take care and be well.

  2. I’m glad you are back and on your way to a full recovery. Take care of yourself and we’ll be back waiting. Cheers!

  3. Glad to hear it! Don't try to do too much, no matter that your brains says, "A little can't do any harm!"

  4. Welcome home, Dorothy. Take good care and get well soon. We have all missed you and look forward to your return to complete good health with a broken limb better and stronger than ever. Send me your address and I’ll send you a card to brighten up your day. Hugs - David

    1. Hey David, I stumbled into your profile, and found out that you love nature and birds. The author Wendell Berry is amazing, and loves nature too, im sure you would love to read some of his poems. My personal favorite poem is "They sit on the porch together", most of his themes are about peoples influence on nature. I recommend that you check him out. He is AMAZING!!!

  5. Woo-hoo! Welcome home. Don't overdo and wishing you quick healing. Hugz.

  6. Yay! I'm so glad you're back at home. Boots are the worst, but it shows you're making good progress. Hope your ankle continues to heal fast and well. Have a wonderful weekend! :D

  7. So glad you are back home again!! Hugs to you, Dorothy, and wishing you speedy recovery.

  8. It's so good to see you back. Take good care of yourself; I'm sending lots of positive energy your way!

  9. I am sooo glad you have been able to return home, Dorothy! I'm sending you good thoughts and prayers for quick and complete healing.

  10. Oh I'm glad you're home. Thanks for your update. I hope your ankle is healing well and that you will be able to walk in your garden later this summer. Wishing you good books and a full recovery soon.


  11. Thanks to all my faithful readers for your good wishes. I hope to get back to my regular posting schedule soon.

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing your regular postings soon. Hope you are healing well. My almost-60-year-old brother broke his leg at Christmas and he is just now walking smoothly without crutches or his walker.

  12. Just being home should speed up the healing! But be careful, don't rush things.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog.


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