Nope - update

Nope - still no weekend posts. I am still ill and this is getting quite boring. Hoping for a better week next week.

Update - Thanks to those who have expressed concern about my health. I did test positive for Covid and I'm getting the care that I need. I suppose I am getting better - just not as fast as I would like. The only positive thing to say about this is that I'm getting a LOT of reading done so there will be plenty of reviews to write in the coming days.


  1. Now I’m getting concerned, Dorothy. Get well soon!

  2. Hope you have some good books to keep you company while you get better soon!

  3. I'm so sorry! I hope you start feeling better soon.

  4. I'm getting concerned, too. Get well soon and hope you are able to get good medical attention if you end up needing it.

  5. I'm so sorry that you are still sick. Sending good thoughts and prayers to you, Dorothy.

  6. I hope you feel better soon. We had Covid too about 10 days ago ... and it took like a week to get over. It's everywhere. Sorry to hear but hope it will be gone soon!


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