Who could have guessed that people actually LIKE Medicare?

So the Republicans in the House of Representatives voted for the Paul Ryan budget plan which would destroy Medicare as we know it and then they went on break. They went home to meet their constituents in town hall meetings. Perhaps they had been reading the Washington Post or watching the inside-the-Beltway pundits on the cable news programs and so expected to be greeted as conquering heroes. Those boos and pointed questions from angry voters must have come as quite a shock to their delicate psyches.

Wherever the people who voted for this draconian plan have met the public, they have found that people do not like what they did. They are asking the congresspeople questions like, "Why are you trying to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, the sick, the poor, the children, while at the same time you are giving additional tax breaks to the richest people in the country?" Apparently, the congresspersons are finding it difficult to answer that question, as well they should.

When these town hall meetings begin to get the publicity that those rancorous meetings in the summer of 2009 did, perhaps we will begin to see some of the Republicans rethinking their position. Or, perhaps not. But if not, then I suspect that the election next year may achieve that.

But, really, who could have ever guessed that Americans actully like their Medicare the way it is and do not want it changed?

Who, indeed. No one with an "R" after their name, I guess.


  1. What's not to like about Medicare? Medicare provides better health coverage than I had as an employee and at a mere fraction of the cost. I can now afford supplemental insurance. The public schools have impressed upon my grandchild that all "D's" expect handouts. After being employed 40+ years, could I be one of those?

  2. Anyone who has worked their entire adult life and paid into the social safety net system is definitely not receiving "handouts" when they get payback for all those years of work, Anonymous. It's called a social contract or compact and one could only wish that our Republican friends could understand the concept. Even if they don't understand, they accept their Social Security and Medicare readily enough and the majority of them don't want it changed either. It's just those cuckoos that they elect to Congress.


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