The big shoot-out between Utah and Arizona

Remember the shock, anger, and revulsion that we felt when the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and several of her constituents, including a child, took place in January? The shooter used a Glock semi-automatic with which he was able to get off 31 shots in seconds before bystanders could subdue him.

You might think that that event in Tucson would have made Arizonans leery of guns. And, furthermore, you might think that the Arizona legislature would have a very full plate considering the budget crunch, the unemployment rate, and the health care crisis in the state. Silly you!

It turns out that in spite of everything that has happened Arizonans still worship at the altar of the gun and their legislature is never too busy to spend time honoring that religion. They are all set to take time away from working on solutions to the above-mentioned REAL problems to designate the Colt Single Action Army revolver as the "State Gun."

I guess we should just be grateful they didn't choose the Glock. Frankly, it wouldn't have surprised me if they had, considering that legislature's track record.

In this action, Arizona is in an old-fashioned western shoot-out with Utah to become the first state to designate an official state gun. The Utah legislature has already passed its bill to designate the Colt .45 as its state gun, and apparently the governor is all set to sign it into law. So, unless it can find a way to speed up its legislative process, it looks like Arizona is going to lose this shoot-out.


  1. OMG!! Does Perry not know about this? Surely something of this "caliber" would be right up there with sonograms and voter IDs importance! Just wait till he gets back from his most recent out of state visit; he'll surely get this on the emergency list! If he not, all the good guns will be gone and we will end up with the slingshot for our state gun!! Now how will that look? We so should of come up with the state gun thing first!! If Bush was still our governor this never would of got pass us! ; )

  2. I've been checking the headlines every day to see when Texas would follow suit, Anonymous. I'm sure we won't have to wait long.


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